Monday, December 14, 2009

Crying in Your Coffee at Wash U

Now I'm embarrassed that I don't study at fancy coffee shops.

Crying While Wearing Enormous Headphones

It's very important to have proper noise cancellation when you're listening to techno while outlining.

Crying While Incredulously Reading the 9th Circuit's Economic Analysis While Outlining

Crying and gagging while outlining from USC

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ultimate Crying

1. Crying
2. Outlining Property
3. Eating my feelings
4. Listening to Sarah McLachlan

Monday, December 7, 2009

Crying While Outlining While Christmas Shopping During a Recession

Apparently the Canadian dollar has taken less of a hit...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Crying While Losing the SEC Championship

Tim Tebow is finding law school very difficult. Courtesy of Thurmond.

Crying in Sepia

Although Kate is a guidette in real life, this particular party poof is the result of not showering for a week.

Crying While Eating a Healthy Snack

Thanks for the sage advice, Dean Belk!

Crying on a Can of Campbell's Soup

Francis makes his triumphant return to outlining and crying. I wonder what the Devil's Advocate would have to say about this outrageous expression of emotion from a MAN!