Monday, December 14, 2009

Crying in Your Coffee at Wash U

Now I'm embarrassed that I don't study at fancy coffee shops.

Crying While Wearing Enormous Headphones

It's very important to have proper noise cancellation when you're listening to techno while outlining.

Crying While Incredulously Reading the 9th Circuit's Economic Analysis While Outlining

Crying and gagging while outlining from USC

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ultimate Crying

1. Crying
2. Outlining Property
3. Eating my feelings
4. Listening to Sarah McLachlan

Monday, December 7, 2009

Crying While Outlining While Christmas Shopping During a Recession

Apparently the Canadian dollar has taken less of a hit...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Crying While Losing the SEC Championship

Tim Tebow is finding law school very difficult. Courtesy of Thurmond.

Crying in Sepia

Although Kate is a guidette in real life, this particular party poof is the result of not showering for a week.

Crying While Eating a Healthy Snack

Thanks for the sage advice, Dean Belk!

Crying on a Can of Campbell's Soup

Francis makes his triumphant return to outlining and crying. I wonder what the Devil's Advocate would have to say about this outrageous expression of emotion from a MAN!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's not time to start crying yet, but Jeff is sorta bummed about outlining. His life is a mess.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Still accepting your submissions...

Apparently, outlining became far less sad after Property.

Your pictures are obviously still welcome (whether I know you or not). Send your pictures or videos to

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Inspirational Crying

Good luck on Property!

This is why I cry

Please enjoy this excerpt from an email from my Property professor to better understand why this class drives me to tears. This has not been edited by me in any way, shape, or form:

Shelley ought not to apply as "lawful" seems to exclude from heirs bastard kids of a female ancestor, but the cases ignored this, so Shelly could mean Al got a fee. If Shelkley does apply and Al got a fee, under the indefintie fialure oif issue interperetaitono(great mioritynw), it is a fee tail. Maj: it is a fee subject to condition a fee subject to exec itnereset Worhteri Title preusption is not an issue unless a remnaidner is involved. If Shelley does not apply, there is a remainder "Reverter" actually sweems tos trentghten the case for WT, as if O wanted his heirs to take as porucahserws he would not have used the term, associaredwith aretaiend inerest by him. So WT does apoply and O has a reversion If Shelleydoes not apply, Al got lfie estate, his heirs got a cont rem (msurt suirvive Al and be clsoesat relaive) reversions are alienablew by will, so if O hadone it went to Sue

Crying While Outlining: Celebrity Edition

From the files of the Harvard Law Review!

You probably were not aware that Britney went to law school. Now you know.

(Props to Lauren for the skillz)

Crying While Moonshining

It is surprising how much Everclear is consumed in North Carolina.

Crying While Outlining: Suicide Edition

Note: the authors of this blog strongly condemn suicide (unless, of course, it's done while holding a Gilbert's guide to Property). Your comments on the implications of this in Criminal Law (duress?) would be greatly appreciated since that's my second final.

Crying While Outlining in the Dark

Even Summer Starters get the blues...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crying while Outlining Weighs Heavily on the Mind

Slightly out of frame? Jager bombs.

CryingWhileOutlining at WUSTL, distRes Judicata?

Crying while killing trees on Earth Day

Joe hates the environment.

Guest Crying from GW

We're going viral!

Crying While Reading Property Notes

An excerpt from an email to our Property class: "forcing a buyer to vioalte the resgtrictinve cxovenant by taking a deed in order to dcause the right of firsyt refusal opotion"

Guest Crying from Fordham with a dog!

If this dog could talk, he'd be crying.

Crying in French While Outlining

This one came with this message:

and the best part? Today on Campus: free beer, free food, free ben
folds, free girl talk, 80 degrees and sunny. Long Live the Cubicle.

Crying at CrunchTime

Guest crying from GW

CryingwhileOutlining in a Cube

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Crying While Outlining- The Movie

Editor's note: because I have personally voted Jeff "most likely to go on a shooting rampage during finals," I'd like to rescind the earlier labeling of Jeff as a gunner. He is a totally normal student who spends 18 hours a day in the library study rooms. Totally normal.

Drinking while outlining?

Guest Crying from Fordham

Best of luck to you, my friend...

Jen's sad property face

Not actually crying, but submissions are slow...

Brandon on Examples and Explanations

70's porn 'stache + 70's practice exam = Greg


Please feel free to send me your CryingWhileOutlining submissions at if you feel the same way I do about outlining.